Thursday, February 26, 2009

See last post...... this is completely the opposite

Sorry for the last post. I was having a really bad day and I just let everything out in words. Once i blew all the hatred and anger and frustration away, my heart was hollow.... the anger had left me with nothing.

Then something else came to occupy the space... It was..... enlightenment. 

No, that's not the word.

It was love.

  1. I love watching the sun rise as I cruise along the New Pantai Expressway (NPE)
  2. I love listening to my playlist which includes Thinking of You and great songs such as As Time Goes By.
  3. I love the feeling of arriving at home safely when there are so many people out there involved in accidents that endanger lives.
  4. I love talking to Michelle on the phone under the bedsheets at night, and quickly hiding the phone when my parents come in.
  5. I love Kendo trainings.
  6. I love seeing Michelle again, and hugging her as if it's going to be the last time we do that.
  7. I love waking up to a hot mug of Horlicks.
  8. I love the pain that my body feels after a grueling session of Kendo. It makes me feel proud that I have accomplished something.
  9. I love going to bed at night knowing that nothing can hurt me in my sleep.
  10. I love waking up in the middle of the night realizing that I still have a few more hours of sleep left.
  11. I love posting new posts on this blog.
  12. And finally I love the fact that, even though I have to cope with the 8 horrendous things mentioned before, I still have the strength to go face them everyday.

Well, I could say that I've learnt a few things from my very emotional evening. First, is that the things that you really despise will stumble upon the Path that is your life very often. There is nothing you can do prevent those from happening. Nothing. But the best thing we CAN do is to feel proud of ourselves.... that we have the strength to go through hardship everyday and emerge victorious. Life is a grueling battle; we only lose when we give up. 

Today is a victory against yourself of yesterday, and tomorrow is a victory over lesser men. (Miyamoto Musashi)

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