Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Grandpa's advice1

u c, it the part where u know u can't win against hakim but u have to keep believing urself that u could get an ippon is very important, one to beaten down hurts ones pride. In kendo there is such thing call mushin muga. 

Literally means no mind and no I. means that the I as in me is just part of the bigger universe, an insignificant compare to the universe. But by throwing the I, one can accepting one's weakness and strive to overcome it. so don't feel bad u can't beat hakim, and never lose hope to actually score an ippon out of hakim.

Don't worry take ur time, it took me five years and it took hakim half of it, if u work hard u might tak half of what hakim took to achive. 

-grandpa of SJI kendo club-

Those were the pearls of wisdom that Abul gave us all.  Arigato gozaimasu.

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