This was the FIRST time i actually attended senior class and STAYED till the end. LOL. Now feeling dam bangga ady at myself. (Duno can keep up this track record onot.. haha)
Anyway, it was a nice, and fun learning experience. There were only a bunch of us, so we kinda had ample space to train with -- unlike junior class, where you've got tonnes of noobs, crowding the dojo. :-P
We started with Nurlin's drilling warm ups -- We did a CONTINUOUS cycle of joge suburi, sayu joge suburi, one step men, continous men, and sayu men. And that's like 50> times taw! Whats more, after all that, we did haya suburi like for 100> times, because they were about 10 of us in the circle. =_="

(Arif often inaccurately misses my right kote, so it landed on my arm, most of the time. and did i mention i had sunburned skin? OMG!!!)
Finally, i got to spar with Chua sensei. In fact, it was he who actually pulled me into it! Like fwah kan! You must know that besides having the utmost respect for him, i am absolutely petrified and intimidated of who he is! haha..
Ji geiko-ing with him taught me NOT TO HESITATE. When there is a open chance to strike a target, you go for it, irregardless of whether or not, the opponent hits you. Nevertheless, i left the ji geiko with him feeling better than before, despite all the hentaming i got from him, because i managed to kote-men Chua sensei and score a point!
Heck, even I was surprised myself! =P
But we must never let our vistories get to our heads -- that the fastest (and bestest) way to loose yourself. Remember that humility defeats all pride.
Lesson Learnt:
#1. Leave no room for hesitation in kendo.
Solution: training your hands and wrists to snap snap snap at open targets, provided by your friend. Repeat on either sides.
#2. Make it a point run through after every cut, successful or not.
Solution: form a mental picture in your mind where ever you train that after every cut, run through, run through, run through!! OR, you could also use more kakari-geiko, like Abul says. :-)
yo marcus, good to see u've been practicing kendo while i'm not around. Anyway, it's good that u wrote there lesson learnt. kakari-geiko ( hitting prac ) is a need and a good training. U can also train during jigeiko by going in to attack at the slightest chance, that create an awareness or ability to be able to not hesitate. But don't worry things such as gut feeling does play a lot in kendo.
And that second one, well there's only one way to train it. ahahahahaha
-grandpa of SJI kendo club-
awesome..... looking forward to train with u again marcus!!! And u too abul!! 21st feb everyone must come!
Maybe I should try the 100+ hayasuburi...... and the CONTINUOUS CUTS
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