The dojo there is bigger than the one in JCKL. Really. But without air-cons. Ugh. I really despise training in air-conditioned places. Really saps energy out of you. I'll ask Marcus to post a picture of our dojo soon.
So, like every good Kendoka, we must all be prepared for training. Iron hakama and gi, polish bogu, check your mode of transport... etc. Right now I'm folding my hakama for easy storage to and from practice.

Oh, and that's my back facing all of you, if you'd wanted to know.
Folding Hakama gi on the dojo floor.

The end result. And remember people: ALWAYS DO IT IN SEIZA!
Now for the shinai... We musn't forget our shinais. Always check your shinai before you practice, or else someone might get hurt. Splinters might fly off and hit someone in the eye. If you're lucky, you get an infection. If unlucky, you become blind. Safety comes first.
Yeah, that's my name on the shinai.
If you find some splints on your shinai, use sandpaper. DON'T USE THE METAL SANDPAPER! USE THE ONE FOR SOFT WOOD.
Arif showing off some shinai oil. Its a good idea to oil your shinai every once and then; keeps moisture out of the bamboo and it retains its strength.
Well... can't wait for tomorrow to come... After being cooped up in classes for too long, its gonna be a blast working out my suburis and ashisabaki. Night night people!
P/S: Marcus, maybe we should put posts on how to oil shinais and fold hakama gi as well....
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