Sunday, January 11, 2009

Onegai shimasu

Welcome to my our blog about kendo and hope you find some stuff to your liking here... ;-)

I'm Marcus and i blog regularly on my main blog. This is the blog where i share experiences with my buddies Kenshin -- Izaz 'Darth Vader' Iskandar and Danson-san sempoi, blog about my our adventures in learning Kendo, the Japanese term for the Way of the Sword.

'Ken' means Sword and 'do' means path or road, hence Kendo means the Way of the Sword. :-)

Oh, just you know, onegai shimasu means please in Japanese. That's also what we say to our opponents before engaging in a match or even training.
Look out for more pictures, videos, and info about Kendo soon...

Till then, do drop comments and let me us know you came by, aight?

And oh, questions are also welcomed, ill we'll do my our best to answer them. :-)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the videos man! :) bring 'em on!onegai shimasu!