Last Saturday, i had the best funn in my life so far -- i played PAINTBALL!! XD
On the morning of the 17th of Jan, I went for the Advertlets Bloggers Paintball Tournament 2009 which was held at Malaysian Paintball Academy (MAPAAC) at the Astaka Sports Centre, PJ. I got there so early, nobody was there yet! Talk about being excited!! XD
So i went to a nearby mamak, had a drink and two half boiled egges, then had to sneak into KFC next door to answer nature's call. wtf =_="
By the time i got back to MAPAAC, many other bloggers had arrived. The difference 30 minutes make. *rolls eyes* Anyway, i looked around, and the 1st person i saw MissyCheerio!! I couldn't believe my eyes! I went up to her and said hi. :-P
The sweetly adorable Ellie, or MissyCheerio, as she is fondly known in cyberspace. Even her team was named after her!! LOL (pic taken whn everything was over)
Before long, Evo arrived. Siap in his flashing red t-shirt with two dogs in doggy style and a caption below them dogs which read, "I'm lovin' it". OMG EVo!! XD
Can't really see the caption, but evidently, a picture paints a thousand words. LOL. Just look at those horny dogs.. XD
EVo was my partner in crime for that event. We kinda made plans to come together gether to shoot ppl that day. We even worked our way through to get into the SAME TEAM. LOL
Then, we:
The beautiful Ras Angela at the counter to register us, witht hem forms all over the table.
EVo and i. Haisey, cudnt see the doggies on his shirt! XD
Field walking -- checking out the general layout of the field, strategizing on bunkers, getting the feel of the field. XD
Another team (whos name escapes me), trying out the snake bunker. They're all high school students, but oredy got jersey and tactical plans for the tourney, can?!
After doing all the neccesary -- filling up liability forms, camho-ing, kepohchi-ing with other people, and field walking -- i got to my car to 'suit up'. Suit up what, you may ask. Wait and see. Sounds like Iron Man pulak. LOL
Following that, we had:
A mandatory safety briefing by a Mr. Wong. He's a funny guy! Can't forget the look on his face when he told us what to do had we been marked aka getting hit or 'shot'. (you see, in paintball, we have out own language. more on that later. :-p)
Quoting him, "When you are marked, you must put your left hand over your head, put on your sorry face, and walk to the death zone."
Like zomg funny right?!! Nah, it's not funny now. I know. Don't bluff me. You really had to see it lor! XD
We all used house mechanical markers and facemasks that day. So all equal, no handicap. LOL
It was dam chun for me, cuz the markers had double triggers, so to speak. It feels kinda like you're using a e-marker (electronic) instead. Haha. EVo, sure had fun! Look:
EVo and his new found toy.. Notice his mouth go.. "fwahohohoo..." LOL
(check out a video of his shooting it, HERE)
Then it was GAME ON! We had 95 people that day, i think, which is 9 groups of 5 players. We each had 4 pre-lims games to play, the best 4 team will advance to the semi finals, and later to the finals, where the winning of the best 4 teams will play for 1st and 2nd place, while the losing teams willplay for 3rd and 4th place.(check out a video of his shooting it, HERE)
Oh, forgot to mention, top 3 teams in this tourney will be exempted from paying the RM300 registration fee for the coming Malaysia National Paintball League (MY NPL) this 14-15 Feb 2009. More info here.
Introducing, my team, YAKUZA!! XD
The name just happened to pop up in our (EVo and me) heads because we were wearing identical bandanas. Haha. Even Ashley, who we both met for the very first time, thought we were brothers. LOL. It was actually a combination of a tenugui, covered with a layer of Japanese themed bandana.
EVo, my bradda from a different mother! XD
FYI. a tenugui is a head cloth which you wrap around your head before you don your men or Kendo headgear. More about that later, too. :-P1st team we went up against were the Dominators, i think. They oso mostly 1st timers wan. Kinda confident stepping into the field. Mana tau, either ego too big or our side of the field choi, we lost the 1st round. They shot us down like flies and managed to grab our flag.. #!@$@%^&*(!!!
Nevertheless, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, we graciously accepted defeat. Wah, so noble pulak. lol wtf T__T
2nd round, we were more prepared and played a better game; we played with P24. More communication, plus we were on the not-choi side of the field. Haha. Still we came down under fire. When they opposing team shot all of us, one of them was either overjoyed that we were all dead or thought the game was over, suddenly decided to remove the facemask!! @_@
(check out Sam and Leonard's blog.)
We were all warned NOT TO REMOVE THE FACE MASK AT ANY COST WHOLE IN THE FIELD. We won the game as a result of their disqualification. XD

EDIT NOTE: Oh, thnx for the correction Uncle Z, i think it was against P24 that you managed to grab the flag for Yakuza!! HAha. People, no kidding man, Uncle Z was the last man standing taw!! OMG.. i swear, he must have had some kind of under cover army training lor!!! XD (suddenly dam glad im ON HIS SIDE.) LOL
Well, its down to last round. We went up against Dominators. We played a good game, but we were still picked off one by one. I thought i was over. This time SURE DIE WAN. That was when i decided go crazy and rampage them! Last game ma, nothing to lose ady. LOL. From our snake bunker, i decided to do a run-by and mark anyone i see, before doing a slide into the opponents' snake bunker. I marked two of 'em! YEah!! haha.
Thinking that most opponents have been eliminated, i made a dash for the flag. I also the opponent going for our flag! Wah! Panik lor.. I made a home run to our end of the field in record time! Out of the blue, out pop the 'Green Guy' (sorry forgot name, most regrettable), as dubbed by EVo in his blog post, and sprayed me with pallets. Fortunate, he ran out of pallets! HAHA.
Damn funny right Green Guy's gesture. LOL. Im not sure if this was the match with us, onot. :-D
I ran pass him and set the flag at our starting gate, winning the game. Later, the referee told me, "You ini daredevil ah, pergi ambik flag.. tadi mereka belum mati oh. Tinggal EMPAT orang lagi!"
I was like, @_@ *stunned* lol. Then i wondered, WHAT were they doing, when i was the only one left on my team? Double @_@.... XD XD XD
Proceeding to the semis, i forgot who we went up against, but i remember we won. ^__^ because we went up with the winners of the tourney, this team, whos name escapes me at the moment.. T__T
They are semi pros, and they are good. Dam steady and mantap. LOL. It came down to Uncle Z and Din, but both were eleminated too. Again, semi pros mah, must give them face lar.. LOL. As a result, we came in 1st runner up -- which is the bestest thing ever!!
Never have we, in our wildest imaginations, ever thought for a second, that we would made it this far! As i said to my team before the 1st game, "I believe in beginner's luck!! We're gonna win!!" And indeed, we won! XD
And so you have it, what went down that day. Well, an almost accurate write up. Haha. It was a meaningful experience which i will NEVER trade for anything! I mean the game and the whole paintball concept was funn, but the company and the people i met and 'battle' along side with made the experience all the more worth wild! And THANK YOU Advertlets once again for making this possible for all of us!
To wrap up, some random shots:
Team Yakuza!
L-R: Ashley Teng (camera lady of the day), EVo, Uncle Z (En. Zahari), me, Celine Yap, Aizuddin, and Josh Lim.
L-R: Ashley Teng (camera lady of the day), EVo, Uncle Z (En. Zahari), me, Celine Yap, Aizuddin, and Josh Lim.
Me & Simon Chang, high school senior/paintball mentor/crap buddy :-P
Dam nice guy, once you get to know him.

One for the road!
L-R: EVo, Ashley, MissyCheerio, me
New paintball buddies gorging at Oldtown Jaya ONE.
CW: Michael Ooi, Ashley (white tee), Ras Angela, EVo.

Fallen pallets like tomatoes galore!
KIDCHAN Studios really really geng lar!!
In fact, they made me from this:


Chun, no? LOL
*takes off hat to KIDCHAN and gang!*
Thanks a mil for this fantastic shot! XD
ps. sorry if the order of match teams were inaccurate. Human memory loss. =S
pps. all photos are mine, unless otherwise stated. credit to Uncle Z, EVo, Ashley, and KIDCHAN for them wonderful photos.
ppps. I nearly forgot the most important thing! Should you interested people want to try your hands at paintball, which i strongly recomend, you can get in touch with the following. They'll be more than happy to help!
Packages available:
RM120.00 per pax (min 5 pax)
- 400 paintballs
- paintball marker x 1 unit
- face mask x 1 unit
- field charge
RM 60.00 per pax
- paintball marker x 1 unit
- face mask x 1 unit
- field charge
- paintball -- RM350.00 --> 1 case (2000 rounds)
-- RM 100.00 --> 500 rounds
YP Wong @ 016-332 3370 / 019-983 3370
WY Wei @ 016-332 3372 / 012-337 0775
Malaysian Paintball Academy (MAPAAC)
Kompleks Sukan Astaka
46200 Petaling Jaya, SDE
Tel/Fax: 03-7960 4724
Web: //
Try it out today!! XD
pps. all photos are mine, unless otherwise stated. credit to Uncle Z, EVo, Ashley, and KIDCHAN for them wonderful photos.
ppps. I nearly forgot the most important thing! Should you interested people want to try your hands at paintball, which i strongly recomend, you can get in touch with the following. They'll be more than happy to help!
Packages available:
RM120.00 per pax (min 5 pax)
- 400 paintballs
- paintball marker x 1 unit
- face mask x 1 unit
- field charge
RM 60.00 per pax
- paintball marker x 1 unit
- face mask x 1 unit
- field charge
- paintball -- RM350.00 --> 1 case (2000 rounds)
-- RM 100.00 --> 500 rounds
YP Wong @ 016-332 3370 / 019-983 3370
WY Wei @ 016-332 3372 / 012-337 0775
Malaysian Paintball Academy (MAPAAC)
Kompleks Sukan Astaka
46200 Petaling Jaya, SDE
Tel/Fax: 03-7960 4724
Web: //
Try it out today!! XD
nice posting. :( you missed out that I manage to grab the flag in one of the preliminary games.If not mistaken the last game before the semis. You took their flag in the third game. However its just a small matter.What matter most is our opponents was wondering how come the Yakuza's are so damned good. LOL
Yo dude!! eh..9 teams of 5 is 45, not 95 la! hahaha.
The last 'transformation pic' quite cool ah. now ur gona thank me for that candid shot :P
Damn cun playing with u lar bro! looking forward to the next one =)
lorr i thought who...!? rupanya u kar M! =P
that photo is nice, i think no other ppl than u get snapped like that! ( the one you kinda like hiding but trying to aim someone at the snake area)!
even me also never got a chance like that =( so lucky lar u!
hahaha paintball buddies?! nice name! yo M, see u at astaka again during MY-NPL! we'll be there to shoot each other! haha!
haha. thnx. but SORRY i terlupa!! LOL. i guess when you're all pumped with adrenaline, u tend to forget somethings! (which have been rectified, btw =P)
But we sure pysho-ed the heck out of them, didnt we? :-P
LOL. Sorry, the adrenaline rush must have clouded my counting too. aha.. Well, its not really cool without YOUR pIC, so i guess i owe you one! XD
well, m is more unique ma. =P
LOL. i really have to thank Jason for that shot! looking at it more, i CANT REMEMBER WHERE i was when it was shot!! lol
yeaps, will see you soon, my paintball buddy! ;-P
wah marcus.... u damn chun leh use gun.... but what is the point of using firearms.... that is the cowards way, shoot from far far.... we use swords, a warrior's challenge, mano y mano, face to face, sword to sword.... real men get up close and dirty with their opponents.....
Thank you for the credit mention! great post!
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