After basic beginner training for two hours, it was then time for bogu prac!!! Today we were extremely lucky, got five of us: Marcus, Hakim, Syrille, Mark, and myself.
Unfortunately hakim came late and Mark had to go. So it was four of us then. I was really happy when Hakim came to me and said "Izzaz! Hit me whereever u can!"
Onegaishimasu, sonkyo, and hajime.
I've been practicing parries at home with an imaginary opponent, and it seems to work for a while, until Hakim took out all his "feints". He really makes it seem as if he wanted to strike men, but then he deviated in mid-air to strike my open do. And then, whenever I counter-attack him to strike men, he just moves his head to the side, and I would miss altogether. All because of a few inches.
Note: Learn to move head to dodge men cuts. Might come in handy one day.
But there came a time when I was really proud of myself. MY FIRST IPPON WITH HAKIM!!!!
He snapped his wriststo strike my kote. I deflected it downwards and attempted to strike his men. But before I could strike him he brought his shinai around to strike my left do while moving backwards. I instinctively shoved my shinai to the left, and his shinai hit my tsuka. As he was moving backwards at the time, I took one great leap forwards with fumikomi-ashi and landed a snap cut on his men, at the same time when my foot landed on the ground. Kiai was there, and zanshin was inserted. IPPPON!!!!!!
Then he entered Jodan-no-kamae. It was my first time fighting anyone in jodan. Mostly strikes were concentrated on my kote and men. He managed to land a few solid blows.
Note: When fighting jodan, keep kamae strong so he may not move forwards.
Next up Syrille. Since it was his third time in bogu, I could practice my nidan wazas, mainly kote-men.
And finally Marcus. The great MARCUS. He was good, but I can feel myself catching up to his standard. I look forward to the day when I can finally contend with him as an equal. Very much like our previous Sunday trainings..... Except for we were both POOPED. I'm still having headaches due to heat exhaustion.
Note: I;m getting better and better!!!!!